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Future Data Science Topics In-Class Essay

I think a realm of data science that we haven’t really dived deeply into and ought to be explored is the moral implications behind implementing data science methods in human development. Since data science involves the collection of data, privacy, consent, and other moral issues are a huge consideration. In other words, I believe we should discuss more on the data ethics behind what we have discussed so far in the course. For example, in this class we have discussed multiple data science methods that implement surveys of individuals, but we never discussed the extent to which personal data is being used. Another realm of data science, this time not related to human development, which I think would be interesting to discuss is how it is being used in the modern world, namely in politics and by big name companies (Amazon, Google, Tesla, etc..). By looking into these topics, we will have a better understanding of how data science application methods differ from topic to topic. Additionally, we all interact with big name companies in some way (i.e., consume their products) so understanding how data science applies to these interactions will allow us to appreciate this field even more.